Kazhiko Ichikawa – Kaz

Aquí teniu la segona entrevista de 18kt, un artista que fa poc temps que conec la seva feina pero trobo que és un artista increïble. M’agrada!

Here is the second 18kt interview, I knew this artist recently and I find his works amazing. I love it!

Tell us about yourself.
I graduated Kyoto Institute of Technology in 1979. I majored industrial design. After the graduation, I was working for a stationery company as a product designer and a planner for more than 20 years. Around in 1999, I was fascinated with antique jewelry. In 2002 I quit the company and entered to Tokyo Jewelry Craft School. In 2004 I graduated there and started my career as a jewelry artist.

Where does your inspiration come from?
My designs are inspired by European antique jewelry and Japanese traditional metal works.
Not only them, but also I’m inspired by works of other art like architecture, furniture, interior design, product design, etc etc inspire me a lot.
And of course the nature is a great teacher.

Apart from creating jewels, how do you spend your time?
I watch American TV dramas a lot. I’m really into “The Good Wife”. It’s a legal drama, very exciting and interesting. And “Castle” and “The White Collar” are my favorites, too.

What jewel do you most cherish?
When I started building up an antique jewelry collection, I met an incredible work of cannetille of early 19th century.  It is a brooch made of tortoiseshell and cannetille on it. I love this piece very much. I framed it and put it on the wall of my bedroom so that I can see it everyday.

Name some books, movies or music you specially love.
Perfume: the story of a murderer”.  The title of this book sounds like a mystery but actually it’s a story of a genius artist and his work, perfume. A movie based on this book was on road. And DVD is on sale now. I have read this book and watched DVD many times. And everytime I read or watch it, I think about the reason why an artist creates art works and ask myself the same question.

Who is your ideal customer?
Everyone who understands the value of art, and regards jewelry as an art, not a combination of metal and stones.

How do you promote your work? What is the role of social networks and the Internet?
Now I am enthusiastic to promote my works in facebook and Etsy. Because I want to show them to the people in the world as widely as I can. A few years ago If I had wanted to sell my works in foreign countries, I would have had to attend an international shows to find a whole sellers or retailers. And then I would have had to hold a trunk show in a shop or a gallery to meet real end users. It takes long time and expensive cost. But today I can sell my works to the end users directly on Etsy! The cost for it is very reasonable. Why don’t you do it?

Name three jewelers you would like to see interviewed here.
Sophia Georgiopoulou
Jim Dunakin
Scott Schreiber
They are all good jewelry artists.


Homako aka Yoko va nèixer al Japó tot i que actualment viu i treballa a Los Angeles. M’encanten els seus collarets de roba, tots tenen una delicadesa i encant especial. No us perdeu la seva botiga on-line!

Homako aka Yoko born in Japan and now she lives and works in Los Angeles. I love her fabric necklaces, all are very delicate and with a special charm. You can’t miss her online store!

Tadashi Koizumi

Avui he descobert la feina d’aquest japonès i m’he passat casi tot el matí mirant-me les seves peces; les seves mini figuretes m’han robat el cor. Increïbles, segur que hi estareu una bona estona obervant les figuretes, cada una fa una cosa diferent!! M’encanta!! No us perdeu el seu bloc, Flickr ni la seva botiga on-line.

Today I discovered the work of this Japanese artist and I spent almost all morning watching his mini statuettes, they stolen my heart. I’m sure you also will spend a lovely time looking these figures, each one is handmade and makes something different! Love it! Don’t miss his blog, Flickr or his online store.

HK Gravity Pearl by Nosigner

HK Gravity Pearl

In Japanese, the character for “izumi” (fountain) is a hybrid of the two characters for “white” and “water”.

The artificial pearls produced by HK (calls ‘HAKU’)’s artisans in Izumi are akin to shining crystals emerging from white water.

Being first to master the production of artificial pearls in Japan, Izumi artisans have a long-standing inherited and traditional know-how passed on from generation to generation.

For the exhibition, HK developed “Gravity pearls” in collaboration with designer NOSIGNER.
They are magnetic pearls that attract one another, and transform to ring, necklace, earing, broach,etc.

HK introduce this new and enticing breed of pearls, which can cluster like bubbles.


Aquesta gent de Japó fan joies amb flors de veritat, els hi fan un tractament que tenen patentat, de manera que pots portar les flors naturals sense perill que s’espatllin ni que perdin la seva bellesa natural. Fa una setmana vaig tenir el plaer de veure les peces a la venta a La Basílica de Barcelona i al natural són encara més al·lucinants!! No em faria res tenir una d’aquestes joies a la meva col·lecció!! M’encanten!!

These Japan people make jewelry with real flowers, they treat them so you can wear these flowers without risk to be damaged or lose their natural beauty. A week ago I had the pleasure of seeing these pieces on sale at La Basilica from Barcelona and in natural the pieces are even more amazing! I would have one of these jewels in my collection! I Love them!!

Ryunosuke Suginaka


Fa uns dies es va posar en contacte amb mi aquest joier de Tòquio, treballa amb formes d’animals i vegetals, i les seves peces són interessants. A la seva web hi podreu trobar unes quantes joies més.

Some days ago contacted with me this Tokyo jeweller, he works with animal and nature shapes and I feel them really interesting pieces. You will find more jewels at his website.